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Devine Lu Linvega

Brandalism on point.

Shell Oil ad sponsoring British Cycling, defaced meticulously to look as if it authentically reads: "WE'VE TEAMED UP WITH BRITISH CYCLING TO HELP US FAST TRACK THE APOCALYPSE."


@neauoire #alt4you Shell Oil ad sponsoring British Cycling, defaced meticulously to look as if it authentically reads: "WE'VE TEAMED UP WITH BRITISH CYCLING TO HELP US FAST TRACK THE APOCALYPSE." Below is the hashtag PoweringProfits.

The current alt text doesn't allow those using screenreaders, or those who can't load images, to appreciate what's been done here - consider pasting the above?

Dark Photon Studio

@neauoire Is this a real billboard or just a Photoshop?


@shanesemler @neauoire It's real. Brandalism creates those posters and puts them on billboards, in bus shelters etc.

Andrastaxx 💚💜🌼🌎🇦🇽

@neauoire It looks VERY much like a typical Darren Cullen poster...( Check him out, he has some very cutting and awesome stuff.

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@neauoire Does the original ad have the cyclist guzzling Shell Oil?

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