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DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

That's wrong twice; first on pi's irrationality, and second that the digits ChatGPT is quoting rounds up the last digit.

The first few digits are 3.141592653589793 -- so GPT should have said 65358....


@dougmerritt @nixCraft But how was the poor thing to know that the last digit a calculator shows is not the last digit of pi. Don't be so harsh, the little bugger has only just begun learning about the big world...

DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

@gnaddrig @nixCraft
Yeah, you're right. I should scratch it under the chin and give it a treat and encourage it to go on to better things.

Then it will sit up and beg for another encyclopedia or something.

Lรกszlรณ Kupcsik

Are you absolutely sure that 65359 does not occur somewhere down the line? :)

DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

I have a marvelous proof that it never occurs -- but unfortunatly it won't fit in this margin, errr i mean, this post.

Potung Thul


I'm boosting, not because of what you wrote, but because of that hilarious handle:
log ๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’ง log ๐Ÿ˜„

That is brilliant!

I'm going to go boost all the posts where that appears.
In other words, all your posts.
(Not really. But thanks for making my day!)


DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

@potungthul @kupac
Thanks so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed that light bit of entertainment. ๐Ÿ˜€

"You're a gentleman and a scholar", as they apparently used to say.

I looked it up to make sure it didn't surprise me by having some negative twist:

Edit: I see in your profile now "(Shamelessly stolen from
@dougmerritt )" -- any time you feel like it, you can add "with permission", although you don't have to if you don't want to.

DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

@alexraffa @kupac @nixCraft
No, it is not certain, it's never been proven.

Most research mathematicians think it's likely, but that's not the same as certain, by any means.

alexraffa :unverified:

@dougmerritt @kupac @nixCraft yes, it has not been proven, it's fun to think every numer is contained in pi somewhere .. ๐Ÿ‘

Allen Morris

@alexraffa @kupac @dougmerritt @nixCraft I would assume that every (finite) sequence of numbers appears in PI an infinite number of times: the proof is left as an exercise.

DougMerritt (log๐Ÿ˜… = ๐Ÿ’งlog๐Ÿ˜„)

@gam3 @alexraffa @kupac @nixCraft
Well, your wild guess is unhelpful, since it's a famous unsolved problem in mathematics.

As I already said.

The field of study where personal opinion is superior to provable facts is modern politics, not mathematics.


@dougmerritt @nixCraft Or if you give it a little more credit, perhaps it knows pi to 245962 decimal places!

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