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Rhombus Ticks

@Ponygirl @jonny

Their ties into capitalism are deeply disturbing but it is to me more a combination of disturbed conservative zionist nihilionares and disturbed conservative monotheist nihilionares but there seems a third technofascist contingent that likes to use Israel to test the weapons they will use on us when capitalism is at its end and they live in their hardened arcologies

Zionists dont own us, but Zionism does cast a long scary shadow on the free world


@rticks @jonny The weapons testing theory makes my skin crawl.

Rhombus Ticks

@Ponygirl @jonny As it should but do you think the Aipac and nihilionare obsession with electing vichydem murdercop windowfucker mayors in blue cities is a coinkydink?


@rticks @jonny "There are no coinkydinks in politics"

Rhombus Ticks

@Ponygirl @jonny I mean, fictional politics re the movie Dave or the Prince and the Pauper but in the real world I gotta admit I am drawing a blank

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