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Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@jonny I believe it because the goal is to break up the protests without killing the students who are peaceful.

The key to not killing the peaceful students is that the cops have to not be scared.

The key to making sure the cops aren't scared is to have 10 cops for every student.

the cake is offline

@tob @jonny wrong. They key is to stop anyone from speaking out against the perpetual looting of the USian treasury by the military industrial complex. They don't actually give a shit if students are killed, except that it's an election year, so they have to be *nominally* careful.

This is about ENFORCING OBEDIENCE. That's it. That's all it is. That's all it EVER is with fascists...and they're ALL fascists. Republicans. Democrats. Cops. Fascists. Every fucking one.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@cakeisnotalie @jonny I don't think that is what is happening at all. Sometimes, a pipe is just a pipe.

The protesters are disrupting the campus (as they should), and the administration is responding in an entirely predictable way.

the cake is offline

@tob @jonny You're wrong. Full stop. Look at who invests in the university. Look at their investment with the military-industrial complex for research...the list goes on. You're just wrong, sir. Sorry to say. I wish it were otherwise. I wish it were as simple as you suggest. But it's just not.

the cake is offline

@tob @jonny No. Only the truth matters. And enough research into this has been done by enough people that the truth is out.

Molytov :donor:

@tob @jonny If police are scared of peaceful protests against genocide to the point where they're willing to kill them if they feel the slightest bit 'threatened,' they shouldn't be given guns and body armor.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@molytov @jonny Scared police are ready to kill anyone and everyone.

If you want them to not kill people, then you have to make them feel safe.

Those are the rules.

Dr. jonny phd

Pretty shit rules "the cops are violent so therefore we need more cops."

Have u considered.... thinking about this in any other way

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@jonny @molytov If you or I made the rules, then it wouldn't be like that.

The scared cops make the rules.

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