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@tob @jonny wrong. They key is to stop anyone from speaking out against the perpetual looting of the USian treasury by the military industrial complex. They don't actually give a shit if students are killed, except that it's an election year, so they have to be *nominally* careful.

This is about ENFORCING OBEDIENCE. That's it. That's all it is. That's all it EVER is with fascists...and they're ALL fascists. Republicans. Democrats. Cops. Fascists. Every fucking one.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@cakeisnotalie @jonny I don't think that is what is happening at all. Sometimes, a pipe is just a pipe.

The protesters are disrupting the campus (as they should), and the administration is responding in an entirely predictable way.

the cake is offline

@tob @jonny You're wrong. Full stop. Look at who invests in the university. Look at their investment with the military-industrial complex for research...the list goes on. You're just wrong, sir. Sorry to say. I wish it were otherwise. I wish it were as simple as you suggest. But it's just not.

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@tob @jonny No. Only the truth matters. And enough research into this has been done by enough people that the truth is out.

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