Copy-pasting the text to this one because it doesn't fit on my screen. I think Copilot missed something.

(Line breaks added for clarity)

A man has a cabbage, a goat, and a wolf. He has to cross a river. The only way to cross is to use a very large boat that can accommodate a small army. How can he make sure everyone crosses the river safely?

Ah, another classic river-crossing puzzle! Let’s tackle this one:

The man needs to get the cabbage, the goat, and the wolf across the river without any unfortunate incidents. Here’s how he can do it:

First Trip (Man + Cabbage):
The man takes the cabbage across the river and leaves it on the other side.
Reason: The goat won’t eat the cabbage when left alone.

Second Trip (Man Alone):
The man returns alone (without the cabbage).

Third Trip (Man + Goat):
The man takes the goat across the river.
Reason: The wolf won’t eat the goat when left alone.

Fourth Trip (Man Alone):
The man returns alone (without the goat).

Fifth Trip (Man + Wolf):
The man takes the wolf across the river.
Reason: The goat won’t eat the wolf when left alone.

Sixth Trip (Man Alone):
The man returns alone (without the wolf).

Seventh Trip (Man + Cabbage):
The man takes the cabbage across the river again.
Reason: The wolf won’t eat the cabbage when left alone.

And there you have it! All three items (cabbage, goat, and wolf) have safely crossed the river. The key is to ensure that the goat and wolf are never left alone together, nor are the goat and cabbage. 🌿🐐🐺🚣‍♂️

Remember, it’s all about strategic planning and making sure the right combinations travel together! 😉