@masukomi as a user: pointless redesigns and UI rearrangements all the time. And your device snitching on you in the name of "security" (see SafetyNet).
As an app developer: pointless abstractions on top of the SDK, that change every season, as the only "recommended" way of doing things. Of course you can always still use system APIs directly, which I do, but Google surely acts like you aren't supposed to do that.
@masukomi Apple is also guilty of this all — for one, there isn't a supported way to modify iOS *at all*, or even just install apps from outside of the app store. Is jailbreaking even still a thing?
On the developer side, Apple also has their own counterpart to the overhyped Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI. And it's also terrible: https://tonsky.me/blog/swiftui/