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Here's an unpopular opinion: Google is outstandingly terrible as the maintainer of Android. Android needs to become a separate entity, preferably a nonprofit, and preferably run by someone who has strong opinions.

Nikita Karamov

@grishka I will not be surprised if one day, Google will just sell Android to Samsung


> needs to become a separate entity, preferably a nonprofit, and preferably run by someone who has strong opinions.

Frankly, I’d rather see the majority of FAANG’s services to be nonprofit entities. There is an entire book about that topic, so your opinion is not that unpopular


@3timeslazy services can at least be competed with. Platforms? Not so much.


@grishka I spend my time over in iPhone land. Is there some sort of short summary you can give or point me to as to why this is the case?

To be clear, I am not doubting or challenging you. I am just ignorant on the topic.


@masukomi as a user: pointless redesigns and UI rearrangements all the time. And your device snitching on you in the name of "security" (see SafetyNet).

As an app developer: pointless abstractions on top of the SDK, that change every season, as the only "recommended" way of doing things. Of course you can always still use system APIs directly, which I do, but Google surely acts like you aren't supposed to do that.


@masukomi Apple is also guilty of this all — for one, there isn't a supported way to modify iOS *at all*, or even just install apps from outside of the app store. Is jailbreaking even still a thing?

On the developer side, Apple also has their own counterpart to the overhyped Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI. And it's also terrible:


@grishka To be explicit. I never suggested or implied that Apple was any better. I said that I was an iPhone person who didn't know why Google was a bad maintainer, and asked for info as to why.

I didn't need "Apple's just as bad" pointers. As i said "I live in iPhone land". I know why _our_ rulers are crap. i don't know why Google's rulers are crap.


@masukomi ah.

Well in general Google just has too much power and an incentive structure that's destructive to products. No one ever got promoted for fixing bugs and listening to users. But if you're a senior designer in desperate need of a promotion, then just redesign Android again! For no reason! Change the notification shade again! Add more padding everywhere, one can never have too much padding!

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