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henry ✷

thanks to everyone who took the time to watch my talk last week at the first 11ty conference! that was a total blast and i have just now caught my breath lol.

here's the demo repo as promised — i’ve included a basic README guide, comment-annotated the code, and added my bibliography so there's plenty more material to explore. <3

Robb Knight

@henry Yay 🥳

And again, what a great talk, thanks for doing it!

henry ✷

if any of this is painfully unclear, feel free to hit me on here or open an issue over there, i’d love to get this locked-down. <3 thanks for havin’ a look!

henry ✷

and if you missed the talk or would like to run it back, the replay (along with every other incredible talk from the Symposium) is uploaded and available over on youtube:


@henry Thanks for sharing, brother. The talk was *excellent*

Ana Rodrigues

@henry Thank you for sharing! I'm literally watching your talk right now! Loving it! ✨

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