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Fediverse, I have a slightly unusual request for you. Can you recommend me video games where the main setting is a library, where the main character is a librarian or where the plot revolve heavily around libraries in some way?
Thank you.


@riff Quelqu’un·e d’autre semble dire que la bibliothèque ne joue pas un grand rôle dedans. Mais en tout cas ça a l’air fantastique comme jeu !


@Sylvhem on me l'a très chaudement recommandé :)


@chemelia It’s one of my favorite game and one of the reasons that prompted me to ask that question ^^.
Have you played it :) ?


@chemelia If you liked “Cultist Simulator” I really, really recommend you check it out.

Naomi P

@Sylvhem @Johannab My kid has two they like:

Library of Ruina (violence, horror, and lots of content warnings, apparently.)

Book of Hours (you are a librarian managing an occult library. My kid hasn’t gotten as far in this one and says there’s not as many CWs so far. )

Ask if you want any specifics about the CWs!


@gannet Thank you! I never heard of “Library of Ruina” before, but “Book of Hours” is one of my favorite games :).


berserk du soleil

@Sylvhem people suggesting "book of hours" are leaving out that the creator is a sex pest

berserk du soleil

@Sylvhem "ikenfell" has a substantial library section -- it's set on the campus of a magic school

"strange horticulture" is in a pseudo library and involves tons of research in books

adamant gambit has a great library section:

Jordi (Sharpen Your Spikes!!!)

@aetataureate @Sylvhem

Aivi and Surasshu did the music for Ikenfall, from what I understand. They did the music for Steven Universe, which I adore.


@aetataureate Thank you! Those are great suggestions :).

berserk du soleil

@UniqueSanja @Sylvhem i mean, sure. you can google him yourself, alexis kennedy, but a number of women came forward to say he sexually harassed them in work contexts, invited them to sleep over, etc. he met his now-wife when she was an intern at his company (gross) and she, who's also on the TERF end of things, wrote a lot defending him and calling his accusers antifeminist. won't someone protect the men who can't help but meet 20 year old women at their jobs??

Erik Johnson

@aetataureate @UniqueSanja @Sylvhem I knew about Kennedy's serial sexual harassment, but I wasn't aware that Lottie Bevan was a TERF, where did you learn that?

Txopi 🇵🇸

@Sylvhem I have no idea but I made a search and I saw that there is a game on Steam calle Librarian:

Sebastian Wiesendahl

@Sylvhem although not directly related to libraries, but the main character comes across many libraries and books in


@swiesend I don’t think I ever heard of it before. Thank you!

Helen LH

@Sylvhem The library of the unwritten by AJ Hackwith. Best trilogy I've read in ages.


@Sylvhem I think of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night as a library game, but only because I end up grinding in the library for hours on every playthrough to get two of the super-unbalanced swords that drop there.

The music in the library is great too:


@jordan @Sylvhem Yeah, the Crissaegrim sword is ridiculous.


@jordan Don’t worry, you’re not the only one to have mentionned that game ^^.


@TheMagicalAnimatron I don’t know, I don’t remember how much the library was playing a role in it 😅.

TheMagicalAnimatron :ping:

@Sylvhem The library is fairly pivotal, the game kicks off with a book being stolen, and later you have to use L-Space to go back in time. (L-Space is given by Books = Knowledge = Power = (Force x Distance ÷ Time))

tillian 🦊🦇🇵🇸:antifa: ACAB

@Sylvhem Library of Blabber is a free video game based on the Borges’ short story “The Library of Babel”, which imagines an endless library which holds all the possible books of the universe


@mynameistillian I didn’t know that Borges’ storyhad been adapted by a video game! Thank you, I’ll check that one out.


@Jorsh Didn’t even think about that one. Thank you for reminding me :).

mos_8502 :verified:

@Sylvhem The Long Library in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the lynchpin of the map.


@mos_8502 I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me :).

mos_8502 :verified:

@Sylvhem There's actually a second library, which is an upside-down and even more evil version of the Long Library, which is also important in the game as it's the only place you can get one of the most powerful weapons, Crissaegrim, which is essentially the vorpal blade that goes snicker-snack from Lewis Carol's poem.

👻 Feufochmar
@Sylvhem Étonnemment, je n'ai pas de jeu qui me vienne en tête comme ça. Autant des jeux avec des scènes (ou des niveaux) qui se déroulent dans des bibliothèques, ou avec un livre en thème principal, je peux en citer, autant un jeu où la bibliothèque est le thème principal, non.

Les plus proches qui me viennent à l'esprit sont :
- Etrian Odyssey IV : les donjons de la quatrième strate sont des bibliothèques en ruine.
- Etrian Odyssey Untold I et Untold II : dans le mode histoire des deux jeux, une partie des personnages de l'équipe sont des explorateurs liés à une bibliothèque, la "Midgard Library". Ce ne sont pas des bibliothécaires cependant, et la bibliothèque n'est visitée que dans les souvenirs des personnages.
@Sylvhem Étonnemment, je n'ai pas de jeu qui me vienne en tête comme ça. Autant des jeux avec des scènes (ou des niveaux) qui se déroulent dans des bibliothèques, ou avec un livre en thème principal, je peux en citer, autant un jeu où la bibliothèque est le thème principal, non.
Wyatt (🏳️‍⚧️♀?)

@Sylvhem You could argue that one specific path (Hanako's) in Katawa Shojo is.
(a visual novel)


@wyatt8740 I don’t think I ever played her path. I’ll check it out :).


@Sylvhem @lisamelton

Probably a bit off target, but Baulder’s Gate 1 starts in the great library of Candlekeep, where you are a ward and, after a lot of adventuring, you ultimately return to Candlekeep.


@Bam Actually, that may thematically fit. Thank you!



@Sylvhem @Bam @lisamelton one of my all-time favorite games, I strongly recommend it though the library only really exists in the tutorial and then a very short section later in the game.

in off topic games that make me think of libraries, the original Myst the library is probably the most iconic moment in it


@Sylvhem a bit of a stretch, but what about the Myst saga? It's more about books , not libraries, having an importance in the plot than libraries, but worth checking?


@sergi Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about “Myst”. Thank you :).


@nikatjef Thank you for your recommendation!


Oh wow. I have no idea why that post became so popular so fast.
But thank you everybody for your recommendations!


@Dnmrules Thank you! That’s exactly the kind of games I was looking for.

Diego DNM :questified:

@Sylvhem there is a level in a library in chants of Sennaar and you need to find out a (very simple) cataloguing system, but it's brief


@Sylvhem perhaps too tangentially connected but the first thing that came to mind was Pentiment. You play a historical figure in a mostly historical Bavaria working on an illuminated manuscript for a monastery.


@Infosecben A bit tangential indeed, but thank you for the recommendation none the less. That seems to be a really interesting game.


@Sylvhem I really liked it. A solid 20 hours of nerdy historical adventure game mystery. Not everyone’s cup of tea but unlike the usual games.


@kanongil Oooooooh, this is perfect! I heard about that game when it first came out and totally forgot about it. Thank you :).



@shalien I completly forgot about that one 😅. Thank you!

:projetstodon: Shalien

@Sylvhem All the Myst series is based on book.

I have some other titles in my head but the books mainly serve as a menu of I remember correctly like Call of the Sea

Luis García

@Sylvhem in Pentiment there's a lot of talk about books (the main character paints miniatures on codices), and other characters manage the library or the Gutenberg print. Also, very good plot.


@luisgar It seems super interesting. Thank you, I’ll check it out!

Damiano Gacík

@Sylvhem Here are a few video games that feature libraries, librarians, or heavily involve libraries in their plot:

"Unforeseen Incidents"

"Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem"

"The Darkside Detective"

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"


@Damiano_Chech @Sylvhem Witcher 3 also has a minor sidequest involving cheese divination.

Yes this was a real thing. (Tyromancy.)

Nothing to do with libraries it just makes me laugh every time I remember it.


@Sylvhem @ajroach42 cant recommend one except to say I am sort of writing one that may come out in a few years.


@Sylvhem Scarlet Hollow may not be quite what you’re asking for, but one of the characters is a librarian and the library is important to the plot (not just as a generic place, but as a source of historical info).


@f2k1de True, but I never could assemble a proper library in Minecraft X).


Winter Trabex


There's an anime visual novel type game called Library Shepherd.

elilla&, tactical travesti

@Sylvhem one of the main stories in Laura Hunt's "If on a winter's night four travellers" is about a very memorable library and librarian, but warning for extremely sad themes.


@elilla Oh wow. How come I never heard of that game? It looks fantastic and absolutely my alley. Thanks a lot Elilla!
I will make sure to play to it when I’ll be in a compatible mood.



The starting area is a library, and the worlds you venture through (Dagon, Nyarlathotep, and R'lyeh) are accessed through Strange Books

As the wiki notes: "The final portion of the game takes place where you begin. To reach the Endless Library stage one must collect all three Souls from each of the three Worlds and place each Soul on the three pedestals opposite the Library Door. The door will open and the Explorer can enter the second part of the Library"



If you play tech instead of magic, the library in Tarant is pretty important in the game Arcanum.

Mysteriarch :masto:

@Sylvhem There are some quests in Morrowind that lead you to libraries and bookshops, searching for expunged records and forbidden books.


@Sylvhem Not exactly a library but scribes in a monastery, Pentiment. Excellent point-and-click adventure, got a lot of buzz when it was released and was (is?) included with Xbox Gamepass.


@Sylvhem "Book of Hours" by Weather Factory is all this all the time.


@roger It’s one of the games that prompted that question to be honest ^^.

Xandra Granade 🏳️‍⚧️

@Sylvhem An odd one, but NieR:Replicant and NieR:Gestalt both feature a magical book as a protagonist, a different magical book as an antagonist, have enemies that have been infected by words, and have some of their more dramatic scenes take place in libraries.


@xgranade Good point! I didn’t thought about them at all.


@Sylvhem In the Myst series of computer games, the whole world is basically a library, written down in magical books.


@Sylvhem This is halfway a joke answer, but The Pagemaster on SNES, based on the film... it's not a good game though.

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