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๐—– ๐—” ๐—ง

@sfehl @GryphonSK
I'm not a Marxist, but I'm aware enough of Marxism to understand that Marxism is not inherently violent or oppressive; many Marxist thinkers and activists have advocated for nonviolent means of social change and have opposed oppressive regimes. I suggest you learn more about Marxism so you can have a proper understanding of it.

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@Radical_EgoCom @sfehl @GryphonSK Other than the works of Marx himself, where should we go to find Marxism that isn't Leninism? Seems like once he got hold of it, Communism just became a new suit for a new Tsar. (Even more so under Stalin, and now Putin is trying to emulate Stalin without even pretending to be Communist)

Should we look at Trotsky?

๐—– ๐—” ๐—ง

@andytiedye @sfehl @GryphonSK
Hell no, not Trotsky! Anton Pannekoek, Daniel Guรฉrin, Paul Mattick, Cornelius Castoriadis, Murray Bookchin, Sam Dolgoff, and Maurice Brinton are some notable Libertarian Marxist authors to look into to learn about Marxism. Rosa Luxemburg, while not a Libertarian Marxist, is also a very good author who wrote on Marxism and critiqued the authoritarianism and bureaucracy within the socialist movement of her time.

Donald Ball

@andytiedye @Radical_EgoCom @sfehl @GryphonSK Bakunin, but more pertinently, the expansions on Marxโ€™s analyses from thinkers in the global South.

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