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@jchaven oh wow 😯 that was a while ago ey 😅 when I started working we used telex and to this day hardly anyone knows what that was

Rolf Blijleven

@Heliograph @jchaven

I remember a telex operator getting annoyed because incoming messages overruled him halfway typing his outgoing messages, so he had to start over again. Does that sound familiar?

If true, that was not a very sophisticated protocol.

Around 2000, I worked at an international distributor of medical equipment. They sometimes had to telex to customs offices in the Middle East. No fax nor email there yet.


@RolfBly haha yes not much sophistication in hindsight, but at the time often the only way to contact very remote suppliers of rare crops for food chemistry (agar agar, guar, locust bean, vanilla etc) I had to sit in that most boring of rooms and wait for an answer, sometimes for hours 😆

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