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Sarah Taber

When I talk with people, they start thinking about their future in a different way. It's a way that includes Democrats.

That's HUGE.

Have you ever despaired about how Democrats "can't message in rural areas"?

I'm doing it! In real life, in real time, right in front of you.

Sarah Taber replied to Sarah

And not to be a broken record, but I can't do it alone. Having a good message only counts if you can get it out in front of people.

My opponent has big commercial interests on speed dial.

If I can't fundraise, it doesn't matter how good my message is. Nobody'll ever hear it.

Sarah Taber replied to Sarah

If you're a US citizen who wants Dems to come out swinging & kick Republicans off their little tin pedestal where they pretend they're the only people who "get real America"?

It's a great time to put your money where your mouth is.

Sarah Taber replied to Sarah

NC is a battleground state that Trump has to win to get the White House. #ncpol

And a strong state-level candidate with a NINE-POINT MESSAGE helps Dems here up & down the ballot.

I'm ready to rip out & win this fall, LET'S GOOOOOOO

Wmson replied to Sarah


I wish you would address the food industry's choke hold on the food supply chain.

They add fillers, salt fat and sugar to nearly everything. Highly processed foods are killing us.

I can only assume the pharmaceutical makers and the ad guys are also invested in the food supply chain, somewhere along the line.

Why can't we stop huge mega foods and farms from being subsidized and instead subsidize the smaller independent growers, so the public has more access to better, cleaner food?

Rat replied to Sarah

not a US citizen, but I love your podcast and all the work you're doing. Best of luck!

Charles U. Farley replied to Sarah

@sarahtaber Thanks for sharing this! Do you happen to know if well-known farmland investors like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Michael Burry are following this model?

Paul Chernoff replied to Sarah

@sarahtaber I'd like to add that Sara Taber is such a strong candidate that I she will attract more Dems to vote and thus help get votes for other NC Democratic candidates.

dynamic replied to Sarah


Just made a small donation. Is there any volunteer work that people in other states can do to support your campaign?

I'm also curious if you know of candidates in other states who are working on these issues as well.

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