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Arne Babenhauserheide

@stefano reading it after google translate is also super fun, because it almost consistently translates windows with fenster (window) ☺

Arne Babenhauserheide

@stefano Now read through that and I have to say I only ever gave Windows support to my wife’s family. Though for one tool I actually said “let’s get an external disk that runs Linux”. Which was Ubuntu and promptly installed itself on the main drive instead of the external disk (3 weeks of panic followed until I had recovered most of the data). I only installed Gentoo since then, because there I type everything that happens …

Arne Babenhauserheide

@stefano … and now she has Linux on an external drive, with KDE and an on-desktop tutorial what to click to do what she wants.

Which is actually pretty cool: with KDE plasma you can build appliances where people have instructions in sticky notes and icons they can click to run exactly what they need, and on-desktop folder-views so they can see the effects without ever having to worry about what lies where.

Stefano Marinelli

@ArneBab similar for me. My parents' PC runs FreeBSD and they're happy with it. My father in law can't abandon Windows, and it's the only Windows client I have to deal with. Fortunately, it's stable enough

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