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Devine Lu Linvega

So, @abnercoimbre kindly asked me to come talk with Handmade Seattle again this year.

In response to the recent mass layoffs and crumbling tech landscape, Abner suggested that I come present some thoughts I might have on different ways to adapt and live.

See you there 🌻 Nov 20-22nd, 2024

Rhizomatic Arcade
@neauoire @abnercoimbre I'll see if I can make it, if not, maybe '25 :)

@neauoire nah no way, i'll be lucky to make it to the eu merv meetup this year. suuuper excited for the talk tho :)

tired blip

@neauoire @abnercoimbre should be a great talk - y'all continue to amaze me with the resourcefulness and adaptiveness

I've marked the calendar. I'll hope to be there barring anything crazy like yet another layoff or something ridiculous.

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