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Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

Please, someone is in Germany to get in touch with Hetzner?

I just received an email with an invoice saying that they are going to charge 24.46 euros to my credit card for the use of 278 hours of their service. Remembering that I only stayed at Hetzner for one day, soon after they took down my account and my site without warning. The email sent does not accept replies, I would have to log into my account. BUT MY ACCOUNT WAS DELETED BY HETZNER.

They deleted my account, but not my credit card! I'm almost crying here.

14 comments | Expand all CWs
amós :Ryyca:

@Ursalzona This Hetzner is a total garbage!!!

Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

@Ursalzona 274 hours is 11 days! Within a time frame of 24 days, this may only include the days after which your account got deleted.

Do you know whether the servers / VMs / etc. associated to the account have been deleted? Probably turned off.

I sadly cannot contact Hetzner any better than you can. I guess I can contact customer support, but they'll tell me the same things they told you...

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@ErikUden I just tagged a guy who works in there. There is a German phone for customer support - not sure if speaking in German they will treat you with a bit respect. The only thing I know is that went down and my account was deleted. And I received the email saying that they terminated the contract and wouldn't give me the reasons why. Pure Kafka.

Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

@Ursalzona I will do the best I can. Do you have any account numbers you can DM me or info regarding the account? Your E-mail address associated with it etc.

Ricardo Klein

@Ursalzona weird, usually they reply. Let me see if I can get in touch with someone there

Ricardo Klein

@Ursalzona I've created a support request from my Hetzner account, let's see if they reply.

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@rklein I'm already talking to a guy who works in there

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@kennergf they reverted. I updated the endless novel.

Ricardo :Ryyca: 🐧 🦠 :v_com:

@Ursalzona liga no banco e fala que você não reconhece a compra.

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@rnpereira já fiz issi

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