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Kevin Rothrock

'bout that time for me to post this meme once again

Brian Clark

@kevinrothrock credit where credit’s due — you should make a big dinosaur with “Stalingrad” on it and put lots of small dead Nazi dinosaurs around it

Dave Wilburn :donor:

@howelloneill @kevinrothrock also missing Russian barrier troops killing their own retreating forces.

Kevin Rothrock

@howelloneill they're getting the next world war victory, let europe have this one

Patrick Howell O'Neill

@kevinrothrock stop everything! a meme is wrong! On the internet!


@kevinrothrock The amount of argument this meme stokes EVERY time it is posted is truly remarkable.

Brian Grinter

@kevinrothrock fails to mention the USA was also late to the party


@kevinrothrock Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто.


@kevinrothrock Do you want to tell the world history you stopped teaching?

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