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Jakub Steiner ⭐

@matzipan It needed too many frames to feel fluid and currently would only work on Chrome without javascript. :/


@jimmac three.js? 🙈 I'm just joking of course

Adrian Vovk

@jimmac @TheEvilSkeleton @matzipan Rather than being frames of an animation it could be faster to do something w/ webgl?

Also, why are we avoiding JavaScript? Presumably this website will be FOSS so JS should be OK, even for the staunchest free software supporters. No?

Jakub Steiner ⭐

@AdrianVovk @TheEvilSkeleton @matzipan The core issue isn't javascript, but 60 frames of an animation to get a "cute" parallax effect.

Adrian Vovk

@jimmac @TheEvilSkeleton @matzipan I agree; 60 frames as just images is too much and not something we want. But if we're not avoiding JS then we can probably just use WebGL, load one small 3D model, and then animate it at whatever FPS needed. 🤷‍♂️ Anyway just an idea how to keep this design if you want it. I'm no web developer


@AdrianVovk @jimmac @TheEvilSkeleton I sure Jakub thought about this as well. My initial reply was more an overkill joke.

I like the current design as well.

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