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Devine Lu Linvega

We've stowed away all the 120v devices, untied the lines and have begun our sail north toward Juneau, Alaska! We will sail through the inside passage and out at the northern tip of Vancouver Island.

As we hop between anchorages, I'd like to try exploring the question: Is a graphical environment running on top a naive string rewriting computer possible, or even usable?


@neauoire Have you seen BITPICT by George Furnas?

Devine Lu Linvega

@murilove I have heard of it, but I've never tried to run it, or seen anything, I've only read about it. Is it possible to run it today?

What I'm working on is a bit different tho, it's more like a graphical environment where all computation is a rewrite rule, not like a L-System, more like, say Oberon, but written in rules.


@neauoire I have never ran the BITPICT software (I did a few homebrew implementations hehe), but as far as I understood is a cellular automata like engine with variable neighborhood/event window and all the computation is done through pixel rewrites. I am not super familiar with Oberon, but this article discuss a few ideas around building interfaces with pixel rewrite, I guess it could be generalized as symbol/sign/tile rewrites?

I am following your string rewriting exploratiom very excited to see what is going to come out of it :B

@neauoire I have never ran the BITPICT software (I did a few homebrew implementations hehe), but as far as I understood is a cellular automata like engine with variable neighborhood/event window and all the computation is done through pixel rewrites. I am not super familiar with Oberon, but this article discuss a few ideas around building interfaces with pixel rewrite, I guess it could be generalized as symbol/sign/tile rewrites?

⛧ esoterik ⛧

@neauoire good luck! 🤞 i'm back to thinking about exotic number systems for , , hoax, etc.

Devine Lu Linvega

@d6 I'm excited to see you excited :> Looking forward to see how we can turn this into pretty things over the summer!

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