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Devine Lu Linvega

Sailing through an eerily flat sea at 4 knot engulfed in fog eating instant ramen.

:luz_cat_ears: meow meow

@neauoire I’m curious. Does someone always have to be at the wheel or can you leave the ship to its own devices every now and then

Devine Lu Linvega

@slashscreen someone is always at the helm because we're constantly dodging floating logs and debris from the logging camps around. Hitting one of those would be really bad for our small boat.

:luz_cat_ears: meow meow

@neauoire but what about generally, like in open water?

Devine Lu Linvega

@slashscreen depending on the angle of the wind, we can let the boat steer itself, but that's pretty risky. There's always stuff going on, so we try to always have someone outside looking out.

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