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Ali Fleih

@Gargron May you please work on discoverability? I like the home feed, but I want suggestions just like with Twitter. Maybe I’m into sports, so suggest athletes. Or history, suggest history accounts. Or cooking, suggest cooking channels. I don’t know where to look to find these, so making it easier to discover these will be a BIG plus. Thanks for your consideration!

Eugen Rochko

@alifleih Discovery tab is coming to iOS next version (though it won’t be as personalized as you’re describing)

Fedi.Tips 🎄

Hi @alifleih, you can also find people to follow on here through the community-built opt-in directory Trunk ( and through @FediFollows



@alifleih yeah, Mastodon's main concept is against personalized suggestions. We don't like that AI. It hurts privacy and you can also easily stuck in a filter bubble then.

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