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Eugen Rochko

Just for expectations management: Our Android app, like the iOS one, is oriented towards new users as well as people who primarily use Mastodon through their home feed. If you rely on local/federated timelines to use Mastodon, you won't find it useful.


@Gargron Not an iOS user here — so the app has neither of the feeds?

I'd agree federated feed is trash, but local feed is kinda the real home on my instances :blobcat:​


@Gargron Switched to Mastodon iOS during last beta and I really love the clean and intuïtive UI and design! Still, both local and federated feeds would be nice to have…


@Gargron are there any plans to add that feature?


@Gargron I can see the reasoning behind that. I don't prefer it myself but it's growing on me a bit.

It's gotten me to follow a lot more people that I otherwise would've just favorited + boosted and moved on

Eugen Rochko

@JoergSorge Not at launch, but just due to prioritization. They will come.

Andrea Margiovanni

@Gargron aaaaand ok, we got it. It make sense.

Speaking ‘bout other features: would it be possible in the future to have link previews like on Metatext or Toot App? 🖖🏻♥️

Alessio :linux:

@Gargron I'm very curious about this product decision, is that supported by some metrics or is it arbitrary? If the latter is true, what are the criteria that led you or anybody to decide so?

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@Gargron I've tried the android app, and to be honest, I don't think it's good for new users on smaller instances. New users on small instances relies on local timeline, or even federated timeline if you speak a language with relatively lesser users, to catch toots they're interested in (not just those got boosted more times), especially when search on mastodon is delibrately weakened. I understand local or federated timeline is fuzzy and noisy on large instances like, but smaller instances would need this. Would you please at least allow users to open or close it?

@GargronI've tried the android app, and to be honest, I don't think it's good for new users on smaller instances. New users on small instances relies on local timeline, or even federated timeline if you speak a language with relatively lesser users, to catch toots they're interested in (not just those got boosted more times), especially when search on mastodon is delibrately weakened. I understand local or federated timeline is fuzzy and noisy on large instances like, but smaller...

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