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Drew DeVault

This rental agency is demanding, at a _minimum_, a copy of sourcehut's profit/loss statement, my tax return, a statement of registration (no older than 1 month) from the chamber of commerce, copies of mine and my partner's passports, three paystubs, two bank statements, a statement from our current landlord, an a copy of our debit card. Just to _apply_ for an apartment.

This is not a joke.

What the fuck is wrong with this country.

Drew DeVault

Every rental agency in the Netherlands is like this. There's even a SaaS provider that handles all of this data entry for all of them.

Botch Frivarg

@drewdevault Yeah 30+ years of neo-liberal rule has really f'ed up the Dutch "housing market" (to be honest something that shouldn't be a market in the first place), and this is just one example of the result of that.

Drew DeVault

(the purpose of all of this is to prevent poor people and immigrants from getting homes, in case you hadn't figured that out on your own)

Bruno Rocha :verified:

@drewdevault it is the same here in Portugal. I had to pay 6 months in advance and give them lots of documents.


@drewdevault Many apartments in Germany require a credit score that you can't have if you haven't lived in Germany before.

It's excluding immigrants by design.


Renting a house? you? What the heck were you thinking???
And I'm sure that you are looking in a centric neighborhood?
Ohh boy!! What are they teaching to the new generations?? ........
`sarcastic mode off`

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde

@drewdevault third world countries are more honest about that: if you have money, nobody will ask a single question


@drewdevault They should all be thrown into a pit.

Yaksh Bariya

@drewdevault > copies of mine and my partner's passports

You mean your business partner's passport or your spouses'. In either cases, this is wayyy too much IMO.


@drewdevault that's why eu kinda sucks. I like when there is almost no bureaucracy, but it is very rare to find such a country I guess.

Patryk Gronkiewicz

@w96k @drewdevault „eu”, yeah, no

Those are not legally required (at least in poland), those agencies try to get „proof” everything’s legit, you’ll pay etc., but there is no such requirement. It’s just way harder to kick someone out if they don’t pay

Brett Edmond Carlock


I thought you were in the US like me reading that and was going to commiserate.

I am sorry we have exported yet more harm.


@drewdevault I think there was an episode of Radar that explains how this is against the law, but the agencies do so anyway because who’s going to complain, if it means not being able to apply for an apartment?

EDIT Found it: (Dutch TV with optional Dutch subtitles, no English)

Mikołaj Hołysz

@drewdevault This happens because there are no reliable credit scores in Europe.

You have a form of this *everywhere*. For us, it's usually in the form of demanding an affidavit from another owner / renter that they will take you in in case you're not paying the rent and have to be thrown out.

The alternative is a social housing system like the one in Stockholm, where apartments are cheap and ubiquitous, if you're willling to wait in line for 20 years. We had a similar system before the free market took hold here, with the added complication that a bribe and/or a family connection to the right officer could potentially let you bypass the queue.

@drewdevault This happens because there are no reliable credit scores in Europe.

You have a form of this *everywhere*. For us, it's usually in the form of demanding an affidavit from another owner / renter that they will take you in in case you're not paying the rent and have to be thrown out.

The alternative is a social housing system like the one in Stockholm, where apartments are cheap and ubiquitous, if you're willling to wait in line for 20 years. We had a similar system before the free market...


@drewdevault I wonder how it all fits with european GDPR and right to delete the sensitive information

what the fuck for - proof of income to assure rent payments going forward I assume? I hate this - being self employed and small scale sucks big time for this crap.

You of course shouldn't have to, but others will, and then you'd miss out if you don't. What a rip.
Hugo 雨果

@drewdevault Sometimes buying is easier than renting in NL. Especially it you're self-employed. You can get mortgages for up to 100% of the property value.


@drewdevault yknow.. U can rent a few square centimeters of my heart AND fuck me~

(My yearning lesbian ass trying to flirt with the hot radically left fedi grils)

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