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Zalasur (also David)

@ShadowJonathan If the cat does not get what they want, then they will want even louder.

mare lamentorum

@opolvoteddy @desestruturas Horie em qualquer momento que Fox fale um A: MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW

Chelsea só de vc olhar pra ela: MIAMIAU

Sarah Roth

@ShadowJonathan This perfectly describes my dopamine system. So #adhd secretly makes me a cat?

Stylus 🦉

@ShadowJonathan wait are some of y'all capable of articulating your wants??

Sky, Cozy Goth Prince of Cats

.@ShadowJonathan Oh my god it's my cat but as a tabby.

(Though actually, I've taught her "show me", so most times I can get her to lead me to whatever it is she wants.)

Jim Campbell


For those who don't know, this is absolutely how cats work.

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