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Devine Lu Linvega

I've started pondering what a computer system based entirely on string rewriting might be like.


@neauoire I've been dreaming of this for six years.

It's beautiful. Well done, can't wait to see more. :heart_fire:

Devine Lu Linvega

@wryl I meant to say, these past few weeks hanging out with you and capital and everyone else in the modal channel has been surreal for me too! It's been incredible, thank you <3


@neauoire You are incredibly inspiring and it's been an amazing month!

Thanks for hanging out with us. Hard to believe that it's been a month since all of this started. More fun to come, especially with you at the helm! To new frontiers!

❤️ ⛵


@neauoire Finally get to cook up some REAL flashy experiments on string rewriting. It's been a ride getting to see this system evolve.

Greg Coomer

@neauoire *entirely* unsurprised to hear this!

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