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AJ Sadauskas

@DJDarren The Verge did a documentary on this a while ago. I guarantee you will be very angry by the end of it.

Basically, back in the 1980s, there was a company called Sun Remarketing that built a business buying unsold Apple computers, refurbishing then, and supporting them.

They even went so far as to create new operating systems and upgrades for them.

Lots of people couldn't afford the latest Mac, but we're happy to buy last year's model.

Using a range of underhanded legal tactics, Apple deliberately put them out of business, resulting in thousands of working computers being deliberately dumped in a landfill.

The reason was simple: It was more profitable for Apple to dump unsold computers in a landfill and force everyone to pay full price for the latest machines.

Planned obsolescence is very much Apple's business model.

#Apple #Environment #RetroComputing #Recycling #Technology #Computers


@ajsadauskas @DJDarren It boggles my mind how this company maintains its squeaky clean image for so many people.

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