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Dan Goodin

@LambdaCalculus @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds

So many things wrong with what y'all are advising:

1. Streaming with a namebrand smart TV is perfectly safe as long as you follow the guidance here:


Do you use debit cards? if so, marketers are scooping up tons more data than from your purchases than they are from streaming.


Telling folks that the only way they can be safe on online is to do with without major platforms that provide tons more viewing choices is not a good way to go. It makes security unnecessarily hard and depriving.


There was a time when DVDs and completely booked the traditional means. Shaming people for using smart TVs is unnecessarily alarmist and not at all constructive.

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

@dangoodin @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds Hey, you asked what we would do without streaming. I gave you an answer. Jumping down my throat and calling me alarmist is not constructive to this conversation. If you don't like my answer, you can simply mute me and walk away and not carry this further.

No one is twisting your arm to do what we do. If you want to use a smart TV, go ahead. That's your prerogative; I ain't your parent to tell you what to do.

I personally do not want a smart TV. If I need a device for streaming, I would rather just buy a separate device for that, like a Roku or something. That way, if I really *don't* want any streaming at all, it's as easy as unplug the Roku and back in the box it goes. Even now, my Roku's major usage is just for Plex and a couple of additional bits like the SomaFM channel and New Ellijay's streaming TV channel. But if people ask for alternative means, then we should be able to share with them some alternative means of watching stuff. If people also want to watch physical media, who are we to tell them no?

Long and short, lay off people who present an alternative to the mainstream.

@dangoodin @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds Hey, you asked what we would do without streaming. I gave you an answer. Jumping down my throat and calling me alarmist is not constructive to this conversation. If you don't like my answer, you can simply mute me and walk away and not carry this further.

No one is twisting your arm to do what we do. If you want to use a smart TV, go ahead. That's your prerogative; I ain't your parent to tell you what to do.

:flan_reaper: - On Hiatus


My Jellyfin server has way more content I want to watch at this point than any streaming service since it contains... exclusively content that I want to watch.

@dangoodin @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

@lordbowlich @dangoodin @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds And that's the best part. You make your own server with what you want, especially considering how so many streaming services keep yanking content at the worst times, dooming a lot of shows and movies to obscurity.

Dan Goodin

@LambdaCalculus @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds


Please re-read my reply. No one called you alarmist. It's the advice in this thread that is alarmist. Big difference.


In what universe is it dangerous to hook a smartTV to the Internet, but using a Roku is safe?

Thinking Roku is safer than a smart TV is completely unfounded and a good example why the advice y'all are giving is antithetical to true security and privacy.

@LambdaCalculus @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds


Please re-read my reply. No one called you alarmist. It's the advice in this thread that is alarmist. Big difference.


In what universe is it dangerous to hook a smartTV to the Internet, but using a Roku is safe?

Mister Moo 🐮

@dangoodin @LambdaCalculus @SarraceniaWilds I don't care for the advertising practices of smart TV vendors (, nor do I care to use apps built into my TV which will gradually get slower and lose compatibility over time, nor do I appreciate remote controls themselves being turned into ads for streaming providers. That doesn't mean I don't stream. I'm just more conscientious about what devices I use to stream.

Kartik Agaram

@dangoodin It's _using_ smart TVs that makes security hard. For example:

It's _responsible_ to educate people about the unanticipated and potentially severe consequences of their buying decisions. Particularly _before_ they make smart TVs a part of their habits/lives.

As a programmer, we've already let computers too far into our lives. It seems worth at least fighting a rearguard action against the parts we can still control.

@LambdaCalculus @MisterMoo @SarraceniaWilds

@dangoodin It's _using_ smart TVs that makes security hard. For example:

It's _responsible_ to educate people about the unanticipated and potentially severe consequences of their buying decisions. Particularly _before_ they make smart TVs a part of their habits/lives.

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