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@GhostOnTheHalfShell @TuxOnBike @hszakher @alb_004 @pixelfed sorry I thought you meant more walled gardens or hidden content. Afaik if you are on a defederated server you’ll never see or hear content outside of that. Can you send a helpful link on enclosure because I’ve done a few vectors of search and am not finding relevance.

1 comment
GhostOnTheHalfShell replied to Andy

@LordofCandy @TuxOnBike @hszakher @alb_004 @pixelfed

What forced the peasants off the commons by making the commons private property.

Today, this goes both ways. Proprietary systems present limitations (freedom of movement etc) and options for abuse.

Added into the mix is a healthy dose of distaste for machine curated content.

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