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Tom Bortels


Yes - but can you control this superpower? I do this - but getting into the hyperfocus trance is pretty iffy, and I'm easily knocked out by real-world interruptions - like my wife coming out and saying "it's 9pm, are you still working?"

I actually have a "stop working" alarm.

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@tbortels control it? lmao fuck no. even with meds it's difficult.

Ducky Marshall

@tbortels @gsuberland I think of it as weighing probabilities, setting myself up for getting into the flow state (hyperfocus). I can weigh the dice towards flow by prepping the "do three things" priority list in advance of starting so I can 'hit the ground running', putting on focus music, having snacks and water nearby, etc.

But this doesn't mean I'll succeed most days because, well, definition of ADHD.

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