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Here are some details on how lines are cleared.

After the piece is placed, the game stops, then:

1) every line gets scanned and numbers of filled lines are going to that upside down pyramid
2) The pyramid outputs the least line number and line is being cleared
3) X operands that hold #, writes it up from cleared line to make everything above move down (S operands falls down naturally)
4) scanning happens again, loop is repeated on until there are no filled lines. And the game continues.

1 comment

And well I think controls is very cool part of the patch. It's very simple. Just a chain of I(F)'s looped by (O)ffset.
So you place a character in the output of bottom F, it gets read by offset and (V)ariable operands and instantly erased.
Then assign different actions based on the character coming from the variable.

I'm not very good at explaining things (also the character limit), but #Orca -people should understand

And well I think controls is very cool part of the patch. It's very simple. Just a chain of I(F)'s looped by (O)ffset.
So you place a character in the output of bottom F, it gets read by offset and (V)ariable operands and instantly erased.
Then assign different actions based on the character coming from the variable.

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