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Queer Like The Slur

@grishka @samhenrigold I don't really see them at home so I don't know what they do there, but I suspect they don't have to spend a huge amount of time doing touch screen input activities. Bills only need to be paid once a month.

Folks who do their own rosters and accounting are a different story (although not all, I know a lady who runs her business with a non-smart-phone only). But that once again comes around to the hardware being being necessitated by the business.

Григорий Клюшников

Queer Like The Slur, I mean stuff more like messaging and video watching.

Queer Like The Slur

@grishka @samhenrigold in my community text based messaging is not huge. Email is primarily for invoices and rosters. Re watching videos, I think most people here have some kind of smart TV and only watch what comes with subscriptions.

Just goes to show how different subcultures can be I guess. The last place I lived was nothing like this, most people had fairly new computers for themselves.

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