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Matthias Wiesmann

@nikitonsky Swiss French keyboard is the same, with more diacriticals, [] and {} end up in weird places. You get used to it, and I’m coding in C++/Swift.

Григорий Клюшников

Matthias, I'm still genuinely envious to people whose native language uses the Latin alphabet because they get to use just one keyboard layout for everything. Typing something in the wrong layout, realizing it, erasing it, switching the layout and typing it again is the frustration you'll never know.

Matthias Wiesmann

@grishka @nikitonsky technically I use an extended Swiss French keyboard that also does Greek letters: but I used to also write in Japanese which has multiple scripts, so I get the pain.


@grishka @thias And here I am over here complaining about not being able to copy and paste going between windows and a Mac.

> > Typing something in the wrong layout, realizing it, erasing it, switching the layout and typing it again is the frustration you'll never know.

Blind typing leverages this problem, you always see what you are typing.

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