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It's so frustrating to see Microsoft copy inventions from the Linux world and act like they're new. Ads in the start menu? Come on, we had that in Ubuntu back in 2012 already, you're late to the party *again*.


@SylvieLorxu some deep canonical lore i am not aware of



@starfrost In 2012 Canonical added Amazon search results. It was shown by default when searching for anything (even local programs), sending your keypresses to an online server:

This "feature" was eventually removed.

Kevin Karhan

@starfrost @SylvieLorxu @micahflee at least it was easy to yeet, but still, #Shuttleworth and #Canonical / @ubuntu 's reaction at first really pissed off a lot of people for all the right reasons...

Potung Thul

@starfrost @SylvieLorxu @micahflee @ubuntu

I remember that one. Shuttleworth said that lot of people were asking whether they trusted #Canonical with stuff they could send to third parties. "Erm, you DO trust us. We have root."

Idiot. We're doubting you BECAUSE you have root. We could choose a different distro.

It's like you lent your car keys to your friend to bring you something from your car, and s/he ends up driving the car away, saying, "You DO trust me. I have 'key'."

@starfrost @SylvieLorxu @micahflee @ubuntu

I remember that one. Shuttleworth said that lot of people were asking whether they trusted #Canonical with stuff they could send to third parties. "Erm, you DO trust us. We have root."

Idiot. We're doubting you BECAUSE you have root. We could choose a different distro.

Brian David

@SylvieLorxu @starfrost That was also around the time that Ubuntu decided they had to change their totally fine desktop to an unusable desktop because, as far as I can tell, they got bored.

Chris [list of emoji]

@bcdavid @SylvieLorxu @starfrost

Ah, yes. I remember those days...

Me: *uses Fedora and a perfectly fine Gnome 2 UI*

Fedora: Guess what? We're switching to the incomprehensible mess that is Gnome 3.

Me: Okay, that's the last straw. I'm switching to Ubuntu.

Ubuntu: Hey guess what? We're replacing your perfectly fine desktop with this thing we crapped out that everyone will hate.

Me: *cries*

BDS 7 29

@bcdavid @SylvieLorxu @starfrost Ubuntu Unity is still continued as an unofficial desktop (although it might now be an officially-recognized distro). Unity just up on distrowatch with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Luciano :mario: unlike on Ubuntu, you cant disable it on windows i think

Jon Yoder

@SylvieLorxu Come on, you expect M$ to be anything but a greedy, self-interested money-hoarding bad actor?

Alastair Cooper I don't mean this in a moral sense because obviously Canonical / Shuttleworth are inherently bad and exploitative in capitalist terms, but the early marketing of Ubuntu was a masterstroke. I remember installing Ubuntu 6.06 back in the day and it seeming like a philanthropic exercise from an already wealthy person with a video about humanity from Nelson Mandela and everything. Now they feel almost like a Microsoft subsidiary.

project always tired

@SylvieLorxu @alizasystem Oh that's another reason why I'm glad about nearly never having used Ubuntu.

Adam Honse

@SylvieLorxu This is around the time I left Ubuntu and started trying other distros. Ubuntu has been a mess ever since. 6.06 was my first major foray into Linux but when they started trying to commercialize it I went to Debian and eventually landed on Arch.

Daniel Gibson

@SylvieLorxu @korenchkin

To be fair, it's not really new on Windows either. Not sure if that was already introduced with Win8, but Win10 definitely had ads for stuff from Windows Store (like Candy Crush or Disney+) in the start menu


@Doomed_Daniel @SylvieLorxu Even if it was in Windows 8, that would make it October 2012, which is still later than September 2012 …

Not sure we need to take this so seriously, though.

Daniel Gibson

@korenchkin @SylvieLorxu
yeah, TBH I'm just generally confused why everyone acts like ads in the Win startmenu are a new thing, it just happened to be this toot where I had the motivation to start a VM and take a screenshot ;)


@korenchkin @Doomed_Daniel It's more that it's in the news again and I felt like being silly, nothing more. Have to admit though, I completely forgot about the Windows 8 ads (I remember the outrage now but never experienced it myself as the last Windows I used was 7). Good thing is happened to be just later than Ubuntu or my joke would've been ruined ;)

All I really know is that I'm happy to have very little ads in my life, adblockers rule :)


@Doomed_Daniel @SylvieLorxu @korenchkin In that screenshot... is Windows implying Disney+ is a productivity tool? :patrick_shock:

Daniel Gibson

@bugbear @SylvieLorxu @korenchkin
I mean, I wish everyone working on UI "features" at Microsoft had spent their time since Win7 watching Disney cartoons instead


Being late to the Party is Microsoft best Product strategy so far. 😅

Justin Croser

@SylvieLorxu don't remind me of that abomination. That's when unity started going downhill.

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