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Devine Lu Linvega

Added a two strips of LEDs in the galley, it really brighten things up!


@neauoire if you ever install an HF radio aboard and you hear strong hash noise you already know the culprit ;-)

Devine Lu Linvega

I love our new lights, it makes cooking dinner a lot easier. The whole kitchen area lighting takes about a 3/4 of an amp, which is fine for our setup.


@neauoire Ohhh nice, I need some of these myself. I live in an RV away from the city, but its an older one and most of the lights are horrific florescent ones. I think most people hate these and being autistic with light sensitivity its 10x worse. Been hanging up some warmer colored lights, just they need to be low power and hopefully don't get too hot.

Devine Lu Linvega

@zyd These take about .5 amps and don't really get warm, at least nothing like fluorescents. They're the 2500 rating ones, so they feel very warm. I hope you find a strip that works for you : )

Odo Klave

@neauoire seeing fresh greens in your kitchen is wild

Devine Lu Linvega

@dualhammers yeah I know!! it's a strange sight, it's only in the winter when we have access to fresh markets.

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