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Liaizon Wakest

I have continued to add #fediverse icons to and now have 107 fediverse projects represented. I would love for this to become more of a community resource! If you want to help please come join in at

Liaizon Wakest

hey @buttondown do you have brand guidelines anywhere or a place to get a high resolution version of your logo in SVG format?

Liaizon Wakest

How should I add Ghost's logo as an SVG? I don't know how to vectorize this lol

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


The outline becomes flat.
You need at least a dozen of separate paths, then you can work on the shades.

Liaizon Wakest

@GustavinoBevilacqua it gets more complex lol

the logo seems to be dynamic. it sorta breaks all the "norms" I have set for what a logo must be in this project haha

Liaizon Wakest

@GustavinoBevilacqua this realistically and technically are two different things. I don't think I want to attempt at this logo being anything but a static line...

Liaizon Wakest

@sofia it really makes it feel different to scroll a list when its not just repo urls. like seeing the tiny bit of "branding" that each project represents it self with feels important to me somehow

sofia ☮️🏴

@liaizon it does 😃.

it's a cool project, thanks for doing it!

Jupiter Rowland
@Liaizon Wakest Looks like the only discontinued Zot/Nomad project that's missing is short-lived Roadhouse.
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