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LT Ms. Jessica, PhD

We fucked up, the internet was supposed to be a fun weird thing with hamsters dancing and now it’s a thing where you pay bills and your boss spies on you

elle mundy

@rooster @lisamelton we became the hamsters, running on the wheel

Aulia Masna

@rooster while you watch a cat vibing on a beat

A January Sponge

@rooster Oh man, Hamster Dance!

At least is still around.

A January Sponge

@4d3fect @rooster You can do anything there. Anything at all.

Gentleman Programmer

@retrosponge @rooster and all the dogs are still running

A January Sponge

@sjjh @rooster It's great the little fragments of the internet before it got destroyed by corporate interests are still running.

Makes me happy this is still around.


@rooster I remember cackling with unbridled joy at that stupid fucking hamster as a kid and I can’t believe this is where the timeline has taken us

Patricia Morse

@ZenobiaVayne @rooster aww I’d completely forgotten about the hamsters

Kevin Russell


Plural on bosses and a singular spy.

This is an almost funny agreement of your point.


Internet peaked at geocities and web discussion forums about niche topics

Hot Dog Water


I whistle the hamster theme like it’s the Charleston at times.

And the I love you kitty.
“You’re better than ice cream!”


@rooster it's fun to pay bills in internet, i do not miss rides around city to pay bills in cash. Also boss can spy on me if he know what of anonymous acc's are mine.
And internet still a weird place.
What is worse with every day - can't find no answers because of lack of working search sites 😭

Josh Ourisman :apple_old_logo:

@rooster and now the hamster dance song is stuck in my head. Thanks.


@rooster if it can be.misused, it will be misused. Think ahead

Peter Ashford

@rooster yup. It was anarchic and good and then the corps arrived. They fuck up everything


@kaffiene @rooster Perhaps new terminology is in order. We're going to have to rebuild the internet, but leave the #corponet to the corpos.

Chris Hayes

@rooster (Though life is a lot less fun when you can't pay bills online 😆)

mos_8502 :verified:

@rooster The lesson is to never let Capitalists touch anything you love.


@rooster no one is safe we used to make jokes on anything but now everything is sensitive


@Joberlk @rooster "back in the good old days we could be racist and sexist without fear of consequences"


@cholling @rooster miss those days what really happened to this new woke generation


@Joberlk @rooster they stopped punching down and laughing at the expense of the vulnerable?


@rooster There are still some good things on the Internet though, like this Mastodon thread ;)

The Galactic Shitpost Outpost

@rooster The internet was only supposed to be cat videos and porn.

Deep Mud

@rooster I like to say that we expected the Encyclopedia Brittanica, but we actually got the National Enquirer. And I'm super disappointed that I see so much trash out there



I've detected your insubordination and subtracted one internet point.


@rooster Or randomly changes their terms of services to comply with local laws. Which in theory is fine, but in practice what if youre Ukrainian and your country is under control of Russia?

Janet Foggie

@rooster Yeah, what happened to that cat who could flush the toilet? Replaced by an internet enabled light switch auto flushing system that is waiting 6 months for an engineer to repair the internet connection.


we're stuck in this corporate hamster wheel. I am trying rewinding to simpler times again. If that's possible.

Petra van Cronenburg

@rooster Well, the Internet was invented by ARPA in the US Department Of Defense, and the WWW in CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Nothing fun at these times of Cold War. 😉 😎


Estarriol The Old

@rooster Badger, Badger, Badger, mushroom.

It happened when we let let Yale and Harvard students join.


@rooster and without all that JS bullshit, I swear my old 256kps cable was faster than my current 60 meg...


@rooster sure that the biggest mistake we humans have ever made is to allow all this Mr moneybag to take much advantage of this media of a thing, they steal from us


@rooster The other day I fondly remembered Nyan Cat and wondered if it was still around so I looked it up and now it's an NFT and a tiny part of me died.

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