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European Commission

🌿 Let's embrace the 4 R's: Reduce, reuse, recycle... and repair!

Today, the European Parliament adopted the 'Right to Repair' Directive. By promoting repairs both within and beyond the legal guarantee, it will soon mean:

🟒 Easier product fixes
🟒 Money saved
🟒 Less waste

By repairing and using our goods for longer, EU consumers can not only practice sustainable consumption but also save a significant amount of money in the process!



Murray Mitchell

@Pepijn @EU_Commission a replacement bulb for my MINI tail lights? Sorry that not available you need to replace the whole light cluster, that’ll be €600 days BMW. Will BMW recall all the vehicles to address the issue? I didn’t think so.


@EU_Commission so where are the parts, schematics and 500 pages service guides that should be mandatory?

Lil Meow Meow


A good start but more needs to be done, e.g. AFAICT what's missing is making repair manuals for items publicly accessible.

hugovangalen πŸ€– πŸ•ΉοΈ 😼

@lil_meow_meow Free access to service manuals would be great indeed!

(And not via snail-mail, but specifically being able to anonymously download these as PDFs, so that ensures the vendors don't start harassing those who /do/ want to obtain these manuals.)

Also an important step would be having free access to any calibrating software that certain devices require when you put in new components/boards.


Bandie :nonbinary_flag:

@EU_Commission It should be ensured that the repair parts are not as expensive as a new device. That's what any industry likes to do, which is absurd.

Jago Nissi

@EU_Commission Awesome! Been taking things apart only to find that every fucking thing is cast in several centimeters of epoxy and the rest is made with connectors that explode to a million plastic pieces if pried open. Didn't stop me, but would have been nicer not to have dug into the epoxy and replace all connectors.

Seems like I'll fix even more things in the future \o/

Daniel Brotherston


Indeed...but ordering (and font size) is important.

First, Reduce, Second, Reuse, Third, Repair, and only as a last resort, Recycle.

And trash is nowhere in the list because we need a circular economy.


@EU_Commission really neat, I hope you guys force change on this side of the pond too with your size!

Pro tip - you don't have to (and shouldn't for their downsides) use URL shorteners on Mastodon, URLs always count as 23 characters regardless of actual length.

Rihards Olups

@Neblib @EU_Commission
At least they're running their own shortener.
And perhaps this is very much intentional, where they want to see the engagement and some stats, by having a unique URL for Masto/Fedi posts?

Lazarou Monkey Terror πŸš€πŸ’™πŸŒˆ

@EU_Commission Meanwhile in the UK: "Lets deport Refugees to a dangerous country"

Yayy. Lucky us on Clown Island! /s


@EU_Commission right to repair for hardware is great. Needs to be accompanied by right repair / modify for software.

Erton Ombin

can me from indonesia to get any commission.

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