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Drew DeVault

I installed a nice screen mod in my GameBoy Color

Twelve :GrapheneOS:

@drewdevault therr are so many diffrent screen mod sthese days. Rember a few years ago where people where saying it was impossible. And now look how amazing ruslts you can get. I hope you enjoy yours. I love mine.


@drewdevault Casually showing off your Mew. Nice flex.

Drew DeVault

Bonus points if anyone can identify which version of Pokemon this is


@drewdevault I guess it's hacked blue or red. There was no Mew in the official games, IIRC.

Drew DeVault

Trick question: it's my personal patched branch of the Pokemon Red disassembly with color sprites backported from gen 2, among other changes


@drewdevault I knew I just didn't want to spoil it for everyone else

John Wyatt 🐧💉💉💉

@drewdevault I actually got an official Mew from Nintendo during an event. Guess what OT's name is (hint: it is not mine). 😎

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