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War and Peas 🧿

It's World Book Day!

Here's a thread with some books we wrote:

War and Peas 🧿

"Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers" is our debut book and it's a wild comic strip collection. It tells the story how the Slutty Witch became a witch in the first place & other story lines of our most iconic characters.

You can get a signed copy here:

War and Peas 🧿

While War and Peas is the work of Jonathan and Elizabeth, "Fungirl" is Elizabeth's solo project. The fungirl is relentless and chaotic but has a good heart. The stories are sex-fueled, empowered and full of funny tragedy.

Get a signed copy here:

War and Peas 🧿

"Vulva Viking" is a short read of one of Fungirl's craziest stories. The cover speaks for itself!

Get a signed copy here:

War and Peas 🧿

"Once Upon a Workday" is our latest work and much different from everything we've done before. It's filled with inspiring short stories told in rhymes.

Find more infos here:

Jim D. Hawker

@warandpeas that's no joke the cover does speak for itself, what is it saying?

Jan Adriaenssens

@warandpeas I bought a signed copy for my girlfriend. Recommended (for your own partner).

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