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KB Leecaster

@red0ran @jsrailton
As a long time protester, I have been investigated. I am thankful that we have due process and in most cases if our constitution is not followed than we can remedy it or we begin reforming the crooked law enforcement office and courts that allow that kind of abomination.

You sound like a criminal that I'd like my government to help protect my friends and family from, but maybe you just support terrorists and Russians running rampant in democratic liberal states doing harm.

1 comment

@GreenFire @jsrailton you are white, and the law and "due process" are applied differently to you. If you still don't understand that in 2024, then with "Democrats" like you I'm not sure we need Republicans.

On which note: you have called me a Trump supporter, a criminal, and a terrorist supporter. I won't wait to find out what the next epithet will be. Next time you lose a friend or find yourself yelling into a void, I would recommend some self-reflection regarding why that keeps happening.

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