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sam henri gold

lots of weird oversights while looking for a family member in the holocaust victim database. two highlights:

1. I, personally, would not design a system that assigns ID numbers to jewish people.

2. Who the fuck added Disqus in the record detail view. Who is expected to smash that thumbs up button on the death record for my great uncle

sam henri gold

“Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.” —GWB

Mike Beasley

@samhenrigold Before I even read your comments I clicked the first screenshot and went “yep, I can see why you’d want to change that.” Yikes.

trisk (ceasefire now!)

@samhenrigold sorry for necroposting but oh my god? this is so bad? why would you design a website like this and not hire any consultants for cultural sensitivity???

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