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Devine Lu Linvega

Waiting for wood projects to dry, implemented the Sierpiński triangle fractal in Modal.

Devine Lu Linvega

Realized after posting that I could have used an exploding lambda to initialize the memory. It's a bit prettier.

I like this way of programming, it feels like ascii physics. The replacement steps shows my little cursor `>` moving across the cons cells until it collides with (), and then bounces back out of the list. It's like Orca, there's no hidden state, everything that relates to the evaluation has to be present in the source, pausing the evaluation at any moment yields a valid program.


@neauoire A lone particle, bouncing between walls. Forever.

>. -> .>
.< -> <.
>| -> <|
|< -> |>



@neauoire very compelling. Have you tried using it for music generation yet? This stuff vaguely reminds me of some of the grammar based approaches used in algorithmic music.

Devine Lu Linvega

@patchlore yeah, that's been my focus for the past few days, that's why I was asking about song examples that I could encode into modal rules and expand a song from a given program input. I think there's huge potential for that stuff here.


@neauoire hmm. I'll have to think about that...

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