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Charlie Stross

@grimmware I am unfamiliar with Nu Metal.

* Shakes walking stick at passing cloud, shouts in Paleo-Goth *


@cstross I'm only just starting to shed the embarrassment that this is my heritage.

kianryan ☑️🐙🏳️‍🌈

@grimmware @cstross There is no shame in admitting your shame. I only know Linkin Park via my wife, who knows no shame. (cc @CatRyan)

Cat Ashton Ryan

@kianryan @grimmware @cstross I sit here in my Barbie t-shirt, with a drawer full of nin, electric 6, and Amanda Palmer shirts... Of course you mention my choice of nu metal in my Youth.. of course.

The Last Psion | Alex

@grimmware You mean you're ... Breaking The Habit?

I'll get my coat.


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