@cstross@wandering.shop This reiterates, with much more detail, things I've been saying for years: That Ivy League business schools and their MBA programs are directly and actively harmful both to business and, in fact, to the entire world. They do not teach how to manage, they teach how to mismanage, because they are based upon theories of "success" that are utterly and completely divorced from the realities of what actually makes a business successful — producing something that people want, well, at a price that people can afford to pay for it. (And then there's the banking and investment sector, which becomes ever more single-mindedly focused year after year upon hoovering wealth out of the economy.)

Another part of the problem is that I don't think the world's "business leadership visionaries" actually
understand that no matter how good their products, they aren't going to be able to sell them if nobody but themselves has any money to buy them with.