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Renaud Chaput

@grishka We will probably try to support consuming existing formats, but the current implementations we are aware of all have issues. The first step of our work will be writing down a document about all of this, along with a FEP that we feel fixes those issues.


@renchap @grishka

I've been quote-posted by some vile nincompoop who later became president of the United States (of America).

Until I deleted my tweet a very large audience saw my name & post alongside a misconstrued text, while leaving me without a way to make an additional comment visible to all who viewed it.

Will Mastodon (to not "destroy" the original post that got hijacked) make it so the quoted person can visibly comment "on top" without having to edit their original post?


@renchap @grishka

To be clear: I'm not worried about harassment here as that's already possible. It's about misinformation.

Most people will take whatever the person they follow says as face value and won't click through to the original text. The minimum we should have is an option for the quoted person to make a rebuttal that is equally visible as their original post and the person quote posting.

Григорий Клюшников

Pepijn, why "without having to edit their original post"? Just add "edit: I meant this not that" at the end of it. Mastodon in particular stores and shows edit history for posts so "he edited it after the fact to change meaning" is not as much of a concern.


@grishka @renchap Multiple reasons. The ones I see:

-it might not be the only time a post is quoted. Quoting a post is starting a conversation, being able to reply makes it a fairer dialogue.

-character limits: there's not always enough space.

-that's simply not elegant, it's confusing in the original feed and all other places where people have no idea about the quote post. It makes the experience for everyone not reading the quote post worse.

Григорий Клюшников

Pepijn, so it seems like you want a comment on the quote, but some special kind that gets pinned or something 🤔


@grishka @renchap

Kinda. The most elegant way I can see is if it appears at the end of ones original post. Basically a line break and then an "edit:" like note that is specifically for that quoted post.

Important is that it is on the same level as the comment from the quoter: not something that requires a click to get to.

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