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Today, we filed our final brief in Hachette v. Internet Archive, the publishers’ lawsuit against our library. For four years we've been fighting for library rights—what our founder, @brewsterkahle, calls “a battle for the soul of libraries in the digital age.”

Chris P. :trek_ds9_sisko:#1️⃣

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I really, really hope you guys win. I don't want to think about what digital ownership rights will look like otherwise. :(

Joe Ortiz

@Ray_Of_Sunlight @b4ux1t3 @internetarchive @brewsterkahle In the meantime, backup everything that you want and need now before it's too late to do so in the event they lose (I hope not although it is to be safe than sorry).

Ray Of Sunlight

@joeo10 @b4ux1t3 @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Uh...i'm an android user......And i don't have much space....Dang i can't do much


@b4ux1t3 @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Mismanagement at IA has probably almost assured a crushing defeat for digital libraries. There has been almost no legal support for the IA's position, and I wouldn't really expect one, tbh.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I'm behind you 100%! Internet Archive has been so helpful to me, getting access to old texts that aren't in print anymore. It's our library of Alexandria, and we can't let these guys burn it to the ground.

Joe Ortiz

@fullfathomfive Be sure you read this. I hope they win but in the event they lose, it's best to backup what you want and need now before it's too late.

Rebecca Cotton-Weinhold

@fullfathomfive @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Fun fact: The Library of Alexandria hosts a mirror of the Internet Archive.
Also otherwise quite cool, used a lot by local students, hosts a couple of exhibitions, has an in situ, fully automated book printer. I loved it there.

Evan Prodromou

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle thank you for what you do and for fighting the good fight


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

The Internet Archive just came in for me the other day. I wanted to find some information about a miniture orchid and there is this stupendous compendium of orchids: It costs $300

I often just buy most books I want. But this one is a bit much for me and I won't have time to go to the NYPL for a bit.

Internet archive had it! I was so happy! And of course I told everyone about it.

I wouldn't mention this book otherwise.

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

The Internet Archive just came in for me the other day. I wanted to find some information about a miniture orchid and there is this stupendous compendium of orchids: It costs $300

I often just buy most books I want. But this one is a bit much for me and I won't have time to go to the NYPL for a bit.


@futurebird @internetarchive @brewsterkahle

The Internet Archive really rocks!

As an editor, I've been able to do so much checking of footnotes and references thanks do them. 😊


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I also hope you win, all the more because Hachette was recently purchased by an awful fascist media magnate who's pushing his far right agenda in French politics through all his radio and tv channels, papers and now publishing company (Hachette is the main oublisher for school books in France if you see what I mean)

Brett Coulstock

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle The Internet Archive is a treasure. I was searching for a quote from script-writer Russel T Davies from an interview published on the BBC Writers Room.

The page and interview no longer exist on that site, but the Internet Archive has it, and the quote I was looking for.

I'd rather have IA than AI. 😎

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