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Devine Lu Linvega

If I organize a big Merveilles Seattle meetup in November, like the one in 2021, who's interested?


Josh Auget

@neauoire I'd love to join but that will depend on me finishing a few projects in Central America. Can promise best effort. Would love to meet everyone and have meaningful palaver.

Devine Lu Linvega

@joshauget keep me posted :) I'll try to share updates about this as it gets nearer.

Kira 🌱

@neauoire It would depend on size, how it's structured, and most importantly, how COVID precautions are handled.

Liaizon Wakest

@neauoire ah wow yes I would love to join! Should I post about this in the European Merveilles Meetup signal group as well?

Devine Lu Linvega

@liaizon sure! I didn't know that was a thing : ) It'd be amazing to see you there, it's been too long.

Liaizon Wakest

@neauoire I have been meaning to meet yall in person for years! Did you not know about the Venice meetup thats planned?

Devine Lu Linvega

@liaizon I did yes, I just didn't know there was a side-channel for it :)

Liaizon Wakest

@neauoire I think the room is a few years old, I was added when I went last year. It's a <30 people room...

⛧ esoterik ⛧

@neauoire no idea if i can get out to the west coast or not but i'd love to be in the loop on this


@neauoire I should be around! I'd love to meet up with folks!


@neauoire is it ok to be excited about this even though it’s unlikely I’d be able to make it? Wishing good luck for the planning process! :tealheart:


@neauoire I’m quite interested although unsure if I could make it (but maybe!)

Devine Lu Linvega

If you're thinking about getting tickets to Handmade Seattle, hold off for a few more days. I'll try to see if we can get a group deal from Abner 🌻


@neauoire yeah, I should be able to make it.

Devine Lu Linvega

@jonbro sweet :D see you there, I'll update with more details as it gets closer


@neauoire could we make it a covid safe event (masks required) i can provide free high quality black masks

Devine Lu Linvega

@nix certainly, that's very nice of you! 🙌

Devine Lu Linvega

@grey it would be great to see you there again : )


@neauoire i feel that I am quite new/peripheral to the scene but i am interested

Levi Beach 🇵🇸

@neauoire would love to be there to meet you all! :tealheart: but not likely I’ll be able to make it because I’ll be disappearing for a bit to usher in a new addition to our family around then. 👶

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