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From next academic year, all our undergraduate degrees in Computing Science and Software Engineering will have sustainability and decarbonisation embedded in their programmes. I'm proud of this.


Ed Summers

@wim_v12e well done! This must be a first of its kind? Are the details of how to work it in still being developed?


@edsu It's completely finalised, in fact it has been for a while but the approval procedures take time. If you are interested, I'll be happy to provide details.

Ed Summers

@wim_v12e yes I would really like to see any information you can share. I'm if that's helpful.

Michael 🐵

@wim_v12e Congrats! That must've taken a lot of patience.


@mplouffe Thanks! It did take some convincing. And getting the other schools to do the same will be a very tall order.

Michael 🐵

@wim_v12e That sounds very ambitious. A few years ago, there was something a bit similar developed in economics, called Common Core, which sought to provide an alternative to the efficiency-focused market-fundamentalist approach generally taught in introductory classes.

If you haven't progressed too far in the multiple schools approach yet, it might be worth seeing what they did to bring on new programmes and stakeholders. I think it was successful - not really in my teaching area.


@mplouffe I'll definitely have a look. All I've done so far is created a new role that each school should have, with time to do the work. But in practice, even that fails because the heads of school are only paying lip service, they don't really free up time for that role.

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