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Interesting though that the Twitter share in response apparently surged up almost 10%, isn't it? Either shareholders thinking that a big marketing person has just entered the board of directors, or believing that lots other people will now want to buy Twitter shares.

Anyway, I am by all means suprised....


@Gargron yup, I’m dipping my toe in Mastodon waters to see if I can make the switch.


@Gargron Everything picks up after Elon does something positive or negative haha

Christopher W. Dolunt

@Gargron I've had an account here for several years, but I've rarely used it, because the people I interact with aren't here. Maybe I just need to make some new friends. 😀

Jay Colson

@Gargron hmmm why do you think that is? Mastodon instances censor waaaaay less than Twitter. You think Elon is going to have Twitter censor more?


@Gargron just signed up because that too lol


@Gargron thanks sir for the alternative, i dont want elongated muskrat to rule over my bird posts. id rather toot on the perfect lovechild of discord and twitter :gnomeHey:


@Gargron my bad g hab nicht gesehen dass wir uns eine heimat teilen
aber ehrlich, welche anderen sozialen medien haben nen content warning button?!?!?!?! liebs hier, danke sir

Mugemana Ghislain

I think people want more transparency & control over their data


@Gargron I joined yesterday too. The Elon news was really just the straw. It’s hard to know if I’ll keep using Mastodon, but it’s worth trying to get over the learning curve of walled garden to whatever the hell a fediverse is.


@Gargron how is the projected economics of scale? Can the current donations handle a large influx of video and photo posting users? Thinking about storage and bandwidth costs if things get even more popular…

Doncho Gunch≡𝕧

@Gargron unfortunately that won't bring the best kine of users here …

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