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Drew DeVault

@bayindirh This is the unicode line breaking algorithm

Hakan Bayındır

@drewdevault Looks interesting. May I ask where are you planning to use this?

Hakan Bayındır

@drewdevault Ooh, great. Are you planning to add language-dependent features like hyphenation, etc. too?

Hakan Bayındır

@drewdevault Great. If you're interested, I have an algorithm which can divide Turkish words correctly and deterministically. I'd like to contribute it to the code base, if you're interested. It's a state machine, basically.

Drew DeVault

@bayindirh I will be interested at some point, but it's a ways out. Can you keep an eye on my updates on masto and ping me when I start talking about hyphenation?

Hakan Bayındır

@drewdevault Of course. I need to clean it and make it more readable, too.
It's not buggy but, a bit dusty.

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